Following conflicting interpretations of the rather garbled recent Michigan Supreme Court (MSC) opinion regarding Minimum Wage and Paid Sick Leave, the AG has requested clarification from the Michigan Supreme Court as to the proper schedule to use for minimum wage. The 2018 proposal had minimum wage increases each year over a four-year period to bring the minimum wage to $12 per hour. The way the opinion was written has left many questions.
Unfortunately, the AG and Administration have indicated they want to use a calculation that has the most liberal interpretation and would see the minimum wage going from $12.48 in February 2025, $13.29 in 2026, $14.16 in 2027 to $14.97 by 2028, and increasing by the consumer price index – W (approximately 3%) each subsequent year. This also includes the elimination of the server tip credit. (What is the tip credit?)
The AG and Administration have asked the court to respond by September 15, 2024, and indicated that this is the schedule they will use unless the MSC rules differently.
NFIB continues to work with the employer community and legislature on changes for both the Minimum Wage and the Paid Sick Leave Laws due to take effect on February 21, 2025.
TAKE ACTION: Michigan legislators need to hear from you to understand the impact of this law brought on by the Michigan Supreme Court. Please take action today: