Stopping Lawsuit Abuse a Priority in 2024 Legislative Session

Date: October 02, 2023

The threat of frivolous legal action is a big concern for Georgia's small businesses

NFIB State Director Hunter Loggins says Georgia’s leading small business advocacy organization is encouraged by Gov. Brian Kemp’s push to stop lawsuit abuse.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Monday that a group linked to the governor has launched a digital ad campaign warning of “senseless regulations that drive up insurance prices.”

Governor Kemp hasn’t released specifics, but Loggins said small business owners appreciate Governor Kemp recognizing the impact the legal climate has on GA Small businesses and for making it a top priority.”The legal climate and frivolous lawsuits are a big concern for Georgia’s small business owners,” Loggins said. “Legal fees alone can be enough to put a small business out of business, even if the case is eventually thrown out of court.”

Related Content: Small Business News | Georgia

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