Gov. Kemp Extends the Suspension of GA's Fuel Tax Through Thanksgiving

Date: November 08, 2023

The move is intended to relieve the financial pressure on small businesses and families

NFIB State Director Hunter Loggins says Gov. Brian Kemp’s decision to continue suspending the state’s tax on motor and locomotive fuel through the Thanksgiving holiday will relieve some of the financial pressure on Main Street businesses as well as families. The suspension was to expire on Nov. 11.

“Inflation remains the No. 1 problem facing Georgia’s small businesses,” Loggins said. “Fuel costs affect the price of everything along the production and distribution chain, so suspending the 31.2 cents per gallon state tax on gasoline and 35 cents tax on diesel fuel will immediately reduce the cost of doing business in Georgia and help small businesses and their customers alike,” he said.

The fuel tax suspension will remain in effect until 11:59 p.m. on Nov. 29.

According to AAA, the average price of a gallon of regular is $2.89, compared with $3.13 on this day a year ago. The record price was $4.50 set in June 2022.

Related Content: Small Business News | Georgia

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