New Podcast Covers Small Business Legislation Updates

Date: August 16, 2023

NFIB’s Federal Government Relations team discusses top small business legislative priorities and where they stand

There are many legislative issues being discussed and considered in Congress that would impact small businesses moving forward. NFIB’s Small Business Rundown podcast recently featured Vice President of Federal Government Relations Kevin Kuhlman, Government Relations Director Jeff Brabant, and Government Relations Manager Josselin Castillo to discuss key legislative priorities.

Their discussion focused on legislative developments coming out of the U.S. House and Senate, top legislative priorities, and advocacy efforts this summer. They also provided expectations on the future of current legislation that will affect small businesses such as the Main Street Tax Certainty Act, the Credit Card Competition Act, and the CHOICE Arrangement Act, along with small business owners’ submitting information to the U.S. Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement (FinCEN) bureau.

“NFIB successfully pushed back against problematic tax increases that were included in the President’s budget proposal as evidenced by zero tax increases being included in the debt limit deal that was enacted earlier this summer,” explained Kuhlman. “How? We enlisted the grassroots army of small business owners with multiple small business owners testifying, gathered a collection of over 21,000 small business owner signatures to submit into Congressional hearing records, and collected small business owners’ stories with the problems from the proposed tax increases.”

Other topics covered in the podcast include:

  • Tax issues
  • Financial services policies
  • Healthcare policies
  • Labor issues

NFIB will remain active on these issues and many other policy areas that impact small businesses. But the best advocacy tool is small business owners’ stories and daily experiences.

“Ninety-eight percent of small business owners have said that it will be unsustainable to offer health benefits in the next five to ten years, so it is so important that our members that are struggling with costs share their story specifics,” said Castillo. “What is burdening you? Is it paperwork, is it rising premiums or the lack of coverage options? Because at the end of the day, here in D.C., we are liaisons, but what’s most powerful are the stories from our members back at home in the backyards of each of these lawmakers.”

The Federal Government Relations team also hosted an on-demand webinar that is available for a more in-depth look at these policy areas and more details and predictions on current legislation. Take Action: Share how you have used the money from the 20% Small Business Deduction to invest in your small business or reach out to members of Congress about how swipe fees affect your small business.


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