Read NFIB’s positions on legal issues, such as reform and liability, that affect small businesses.
As the nation’s legal system continues to spiral out of control and billion-dollar lawsuits become the norm, NFIB is working hard for legal reform in all 50 states. Along with pushing for legislation that abolishes joint-and-several liability abd caps excessive punitive damages, NFIB will fight for legal services that level the courtroom playing field for small business. After all, just one frivolous lawsuit can force a small business to close its doors forever.
Nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court
After an extensive review of Judge Gorsuch’s articles, decisions, and public statements, NFIB is pleased to see a judge who both applies the actual text of the law and the original meaning of that text at the time it became law, rather than changing it to fit his personal views and preferences. Consequently, the cloture vote on the nomination of Judge Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court will be considered an NFIB Key Vote for the 115th Congress.
Frivolous Lawsuits
NFIB supports mandatory sanctions for lawyers who bring frivolous lawsuits.
Civil Forfeiture
According to an NFIB member ballot, 92 percent of small business owners agree that Congress should require law enforcement to provide a judge with clear and convincing evidence of a crime before seizing a small business’ assets. NFIB supports the FAIR Act, which would protect small business owners.
Product-Liability Standards
NFIB supports legal reform establishing a product-liability standard that distinguishes sellers from manufacturers and a union statue of limitations in product-liability cases.
Small-Business Liability Reform
NFIB supports legal reform that will cap punitive damages at reasonable levels so that small businesses are neither destroyed nor forced to settle out of court under the threat of outrageous punitive damages.
Equal Access to Justice Act
NFIB supports legislation to close an EAJA loophole which allows the government to skirt reimbursements to wrongfully accused small business owners.
Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
NFIB strongly opposed, “The Paycheck Fairness Act” because it would impose significant costs upon small business owners.
NFIB Small Business Legal Center
Interested in legal reform issues? Learn how NFIB’s Small Business Legal Center actively pursues precedent-setting cases to stop small businesses from becoming victimized by frivolous lawsuits and burdensome regulations.
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