NFIB’s political action committees (PACs) endorse candidates who will be a voice for small business. We are focused on protecting incumbents who are proven allies of small business, electing pro-small business candidates in open seats, and challenging anti-small business incumbents.

Federal Candidate Questionnaire
If you’re a federal candidate seeking support from the NFIB Federal PAC, you may complete the federal candidate questionnaire online or download the PDF form to submit by email. Completed questionnaires are required for all non-incumbent candidates who are seeking the Federal PAC endorsement.
If you are a state candidate seeking support from your local NFIB state PAC, please contact the NFIB office in your state for a questionnaire.
Completed questionnaires are required for all non-incumbent candidates who are seeking a NFIB PAC endorsement.
The Small Business Guide to Running for Office
NFIB knows that’s small business owners make exceptional candidates for office. This guide covers all aspects of running for office – from starting a campaign to voter outreach, fundraising, and so much more.
If you’re a small business owner looking to run for office, this guide can provide this basics you need to know. If you’re one of America’s many small business owners who can make their communities better by running for office, we hope you’ll use this guide.
Preview Guide or log in for full PDF
Access to federal candidate resources is a member exclusive.
Access to federal candidate resources is a member exclusive.
Contact us
If you’re a small business ally running for federal office and are interested in NFIB Fed PAC support, contact a member of NFIB’s political team:
If you’re a candidate running for state office and interested in NFIB’s support, please contact the state office:
Richmond, Virginia