Mandated Paid Sick Leave Approved for Ballot

Date: August 10, 2018

A mandated paid sick leave question is approved for fall ballot.

The mandated paid sick leave proposal being pushed by out of state labor union front groups has been approved for placement on the November statewide election ballot. A coalition of Michigan job providers, Small Business for a Better Michigan, expressed disappointment at the certification of the ballot proposal that would force Michigan employers to provide mandated paid leave. SBBM filed significant challenges to the signatures that were submitted by the out-of-state-funded organization, Time to Care. Unfortunately, the state Bureau of Elections recommended certification to the Board of Canvassers and, by a vote of 3 to 1, the proposal was approved for the ballot.

The ballot proposal now advances for consideration by the legislature.  Upon receipt of the proposal, the legislative body will have 40 calendar days to adopt the proposal. If the legislature does not act, the proposal will advance to the November ballot for consideration by the people.

“The structure of our government values the input from every citizen through the committee process where constituents, organizations, and legislators debate the merits of a policy before it is implemented,” said Charles Owens, NFIB’s State Director in Michigan and SBBM coalition member. “This ballot proposal circumvents that process and allows out of state special interests that are funded by big labor to push their agenda into our state.”

The Small Business for a Better Michigan coalition is an organization of state job providers that seeks to educate voters about the danger of business policy being dictated by out of state groups and special interests, rather than leaving policymaking in the hands of policymakers. The coalition Steering Committee includes NFIB, Small Business Association of Michigan, Michigan Manufacturers Association, and the Michigan Restaurant Association.

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